Information for Prospective Students | Arts & Humanities (2025)

Writing Sample

What should I submit for a writing sample?

In the humanities, the writing sample is just as crucial, if not more crucial, than the statement of purpose. Therefore, an applicant should place considerable importance and a great amount of effort into producing a writing sample. In general, admission committees evaluate an applicant's ability to synthesize ideas, concepts, or theories, and logically take a stand and argue them. Faculty would like to admit potential graduate students whose intellectual abilities and curiosity are highly advanced and are evident in the writing sample. They want to see that the student has mastered a...

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Statement of Purpose

What should I include in my statement of purpose?

The Statement of Purpose (SOP) is crucial to your application. Some in the arts & humanities consider the SOP the most important component of your admission application.

Points to Consider The audience is department faculty who make admission decisions about each student who applies. Faculty desire to admit bright, intellectually promising students who are a good fit for the department. Begin writing your SOP many months before the deadline. In doing so, you can start over or put it down for days. In other words, give yourself time to be very thoughtful about what you write. Your...

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Funding your graduate education

What funding options do I have?

For graduate study, universities support students through fellowships, teaching appointments, research assistant positions, or a combination of these sources. The monies available are often dependent on the size of departments' and schools' endowments and resources that may be available through the Graduate Division. Each school or department has its own methods of distributing fellowship funds. Keep in mind that little funding is usually available for terminal master's degree students.

Inquire about fellowships that are available. Ask about the number that is generally received by...

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The Graduate Record Exam (GRE)

What is the GRE?

Standardized tests such as the GRE are application requirements determined by each department. That is why a prospective applicant should be familiar with the requirements on departmental websites. Also, from year to year a department may change its requirements. If there is one requirement that students dread, it is taking the GRE. For this reason, it is a good idea to get it over with as soon as possible, if it is required. You may also be required to take a subject test: for example, the English subject test. Consider the following suggestions regarding the GRE:

If required, many...

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Finding the right program

How do I select the right program?

Identifying the best programs for you to apply to is a formidable task. You should start as soon as you begin to think about graduate school. By learning about graduate programs, you will have a sense of the nature of individual programs (for example, small or large, reputation, specialties, graduation rates). Similarly, if you are familiar with the requirements of a program, you can also align your current coursework to strengthen your preparation for graduate school. Please consider the following activities:

Use your own department, professors, and graduate students as resources...

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Letters of recommendation

Who should I ask for a letter of recommendation?

Letters of recommendation are another important component of your application materials. They provide a professional opinion of your intellectual abilities and preparation for graduate school, and are usually written by a professor who not only addresses your specific strengths, but compares you to the many students with whom the professor has worked during his or her career. In other words, the admission committee wants to know how you "stack up" against all the students the recommender has ever had! In general, most programs/universities require three letters of support.


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Application Etiquette

How do I approach application needs with faculty?

As you move through your undergraduate years and into graduate school, you will have increasing contact with graduate students and faculty in your discipline. Knowing how to interact with them can be helpful as you begin to negotiate a larger sphere with future colleagues and mentors. Building strong relationships begins with your initial interactions with busy faculty members and graduate students. As you begin to apply to graduate school, please keep the following suggestions in mind:

Try visiting with faculty members during office hours first, unless they are available by...

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Academic Preparation

What can I do to prepare myself for graduate school?

As you consider graduate school programs, note the requirements and the backgrounds of competitive students. Keeping this information in mind, review your courses and experiences. Please consider the following as your evaluate your academic preparation:

Identify steps you can take to be more competitive. Have you met the minimum requirements for admission to your graduate programs of choice? Now, what can you do to be more competitive? Strive for a high GPA. Seek to increase or maintain the highest GPA possible. A 3.6 GPA and above is recommended for the most competitive schools...

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What does it mean to be an AFDAH new faculty fellow?

AFDAH fellows are newly hired faculty in the Arts and Humanities whose research focuses on subjects and fields of study that center primarily underrepresented groups and epistemologies. AFDAH fellows not only receive financial support from the division for their research and collaborations, but also participate in building a culture that better serves faculty who work in underrepresented fields. One way fellows become integral players in forming a more inclusive academic climate across the division is through their collaborative work with faculty mentors, appointed through the...

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How do I apply to be an AFDAH fellow?

Candidates can apply to be AFDAH fellows through the following application form. The deadline for applications for FY23-24 is December 4, 2023, with decisions by December 15, 2023.

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What are the requirements for becoming an AFDAH new faculty fellow?

To become an AFDAH fellow, candidates must have entered their positions at UC Berkeley after July 1st, 2023. Candidates must also pursue research in underrepresented areas of study, particularly in fields underrepresented throughout the arts and humanities division at Berkeley.

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When should I apply to be an AFDAH fellow?

Candidates should apply soon after they have begun their work at UC Berkeley, ideally the beginning of their first semester as faculty members in their departments.

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How long is the AFDAH fellowship?

The fellowship is for two years. Fellows will have until the end of FY2024-25 to spend research funds and participate in the mentorship program.

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What are the AFDAH fellowship requirements?

AFDAH new faculty fellows will work with a mentor for one calendar year, designing a research and professional development trajectory for their time within the program. Throughout the course of the two years, starting from their acceptance into the program, fellows will use their research funds to support what they most need in terms of research and career advancement, such as graduate student research assistance or book subventions (please see our sample budget for the research funds). Also, during the two-year fellowship, fellows will participate in workshops and discussions...

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What does AFDAH’s mentorship program provide for me?

AFDAH new faculty fellows will work with a mentor for one calendar year, designing a research and professional development trajectory for their time within the program.

During the two-year fellowship, fellows will participate in workshops and discussions centered on building resources that address best mentorship practices for the arts and humanities, to be shared with departments in and outside of the division following the grant period. Fellows, and their faculty peers, will continue to benefit from these resources following the grant period.

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What career development opportunities and resources will be available to me?

Please see the Sample Budget, which lists possible uses for AFDAH research funds. Some examples include book subventions, research travel, manuscript editing, and course development.

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How do I acquire a mentor?

Once AFDAH new faculty fellows have been selected we will pair them with mentors from our mentor pool.

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How do I use my research funds?

Once fellows have established a general research plan, including an itemized budget, they will begin spending your research funds. The departments of each fellow will receive the research funds, to be distributed according to the general research budget the fellows create in collaboration with their mentors. Departments will report the expenses of the grant to the DEIBJ office staff at the end of the two-year grant period (end of FY25). Fellows will work with departments to process their research expenses. Each fellow has until the end of FY2025 to spend their research funds.

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How would we incorporate PPFP fellows in recruitment during open-searches?

The AFDAH PPFP Concierge program is designed to help departments consider PPFP fellows during their open-searches over the next few years. The program shares information on new PPFP fellows, announced every July 1st, and former PPFP fellows who may be of interest to departments. Departments conducting open searches can work with the AFDAH staff to identify and recruit potential PPFP fellows of interest, keeping within the standards of open-search recruitment, or recruit former PPFP fellows who have never been hired at the University of California.

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What are the PPFP hiring incentives?

Please see the PPFP hiring incentives here. Also, upcoming, see the recording of our PPFP info session, with details specific to recruitment and hiring at UC Berkeley, here.

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Information for Prospective Students | Arts & Humanities (2025)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.