Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (2025)

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (1)

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort

Revolutionary New Kind of Razor - a close, smooth and comfortable shave for every skin and beard condition.


Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (2)

Parthenon uses one double edge blade, and the curved blade allows you to have a close shave while protecting your skin. The entire rest of the razor is constructed from brass. With plastic and cartridge razors, you must pull the razor across your face which is the main source of irritation and cuts. With Parthenon, you let the weight of the razor itself do the work which leads to a close, rejuvenating shave.

Adjustable Function

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (3)

Parthenon allows you to adjust the blade exposure and angle to determine how close you want your shave. This function is a real game changer. If you're a beginner, a mild shave is going to be more comfortable. You'll have less irritation. It also works really well if you don't shave often. On a higher setting, you'll be able to get your smooth face back using only three or so passes, even if you've been living like a mountain man for a week. And you are going to be able to do so without the irritation you'd have with other razors. Men with heavier beard growth will also prefer the higher setting, as it can provide a more aggressive shave than average razors in the market. You might find that a lower setting makes it easier to shave fine hairs.

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (4)

Whatever the case, it's always nice to have options. Parthenon has nine settings for superb shaving comfort. You simply turn the micrometer dial from 1 - 9, and it gives you a lot of flexibility in terms of how aggressive you want. It is like nine razors in one.


Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (5)

This time we redesign the razor from the scratch. The handle is inspired by Doric columns from ancient Greek. The pattern on the brass handle offers a new optic and feel for the shaving experience.

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (6)

When combined with luxury silver-coated razor head and dials, it reveals the full splendor. This is, beyond the doubt, one of the most elegant razors ever made.

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (7)

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (8)

Parthenon has the butterfly-open design. It allows quick and easy blade change. Just simply twist the bottom dial, and replace the blade. The end of the handle is magnetic, so you can easily pick up the blade on the counter.

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (9)

We have considered carefully about the weight and the balance. Parthenon weights 3 1/2oz, and you can let the weight of razor itself do the work. The balance center locates at the spot where your grips are. It gives you the best control to follow the contours of your skin.

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (10)

Parthenon is made of premium brass. Brass is not only strong and durable, but it is also resistant to rusting in a wet environment. So, it can be used for a long time.


Early of March 2018 - KickStarter Campaign Starts
Mid of April 2018 - KickStarter Campaign Ends
End of April 2018 - Fund Release and Tooling Molds Starts
End of May 2018 - Tooling delivers
Mid of June 2018 - Complete Test and Production Starts
End of June 2018 - Parthenon Razor Shipping Starts


We offer worldwide free shipping. Product shipment will follow First-In-First-Out based on order date.


Parthenon is originally designed and manufactured by WEISHI and QSHAVE.

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (11)

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (12)

QSHAVE is a leading brand of men’s grooming, and provides shaving supplies and service to over 100,000 customers worldwide every year.
WEISHI has manufactured razors since 1988, and has produced millions of razors for big brands of razors in US and European markets as an OEM vendor. QSHAVE and WEISHI have worked together on Parthenon.
With the original design and our own factory, we are confident that we can deliver the products on time.

Premium Kit

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (13)

1 pc of Parthenon Razor
1 pc of Razor Stand
1 pc of Leather Razor Sleeve Protect

Luxury Kit

Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort | QSHAVE (14)

1 pc of Parthenon Razor
1 pc of Razor Stand
1 pc of Leather Razor Sleeve Protect
1 pc of Shaving Brush 100% Pure Badger Hair Bristle
1 pc of Shaving Bowl Made of Stainless Steel with Lid

Risks and challenges

We have the experience of razor design and manufacturing for serval decades, and produce millions shaving supplies every year. With our own design and factory, we are confident that can minimize the risk and deliver the products on time. However, unexpected things can happen. This includes unexpected mold change, unperfected coating, and shipping delay. If anything may possibly cause the delay, we will keep our backers updated.


  • Pledge US$ 49 or more

    KickStarter Exclusive Deal

    You'll receive 1 Parthenon RazorFree Worldwide Shipping!

    Estimated delivery Jun 2018

    Ships to Anywhere in the world

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  • Pledge US$ 49 or more

    KickStarter Exclusive Deal Black Version

    You'll receive 1 Parthenon Razor (Black Version)Free Worldwide Shipping!

    Estimated delivery Jun 2018

    Ships to Anywhere in the world

    Ajouter au Panier

  • Pledge US$ 69 or more

    Premium Kit

    You'll receive 1 premium kit with 1 Parthenon Razor, 1 aluminum razor stand, 1 leather razor protectorFree Worldwide Shipping!

    Estimated delivery Jun 2018

    Ships to Anywhere in the world

    Ajouter au Panier

  • Pledge US$ 69 or more

    Premium Kit (Black Version)

    You'll receive 1 premium kit with 1 Parthenon Razor (Black Version), 1 aluminum razor stand, 1 leather razor protectorFree Worldwide Shipping!

    Estimated delivery Jun 2018

    Ships to Anywhere in the world

    Ajouter au Panier

  • Pledge US$ 99 or more

    Luxury Combo Kit

    You'll receive 1 premium kit with 1 Parthenon Razor, 1 aluminum razor stand, 1 leather razor protector. You will also receive 1 shaving bowl and 1 shaving brush.Free Worldwide Shipping!

    Estimated delivery Jun 2018

    Ships to Anywhere in the world

    Ajouter au Panier

  • Pledge US$ 99 or more

    Luxury Combo Kit (Black Version)

    You'll receive 1 premium kit with 1 Parthenon Razor (Black Version), 1 aluminum razor stand, 1 leather razor protector. You will also receive 1 shaving bowl and 1 shaving brush.Free Worldwide Shipping!

    Estimated delivery Jun 2018

    Ships to Anywhere in the world

    Ajouter au Panier

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Parthenon Razor - adjustable for superb shaving comfort		 | QSHAVE (2025)
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